Training for trainers on youth culture

The project

The project is a small-scale partnership between The Finnish Youth Association and Formaat. During the Training for trainers on youth culture project the organisations organise trainer and instructor trainings in both countries, Finland and Belgium. In addition to trainings the organisations offer peer-to-peer online meetings for trainers and instructors and also webinars for organisers of recreational activities. The online meetings and webinars will be held in English during autum 2023 and spring 2024.

 The project duration is from 1st of Jan 2023 to 30th of June 2024. The project is funded by Erasmus + programme and it is coordinated by The Finnish Youth Association. 

Contact information

Sini Korhonen
Project coordinator
+358 50 342 2054

Project partners

The Finnish Youth Association

The Finnish Youth Association offers cultural hobbies such as dance, theatre, circus, music and sports for all ages in local associations all over Finland. Organisation's main focus is in cultural youth work. The employees in national and regional level support the local associations which are run by volunteers.

The Finnish Youth Association was founded in 1881 and is the oldest youth work organisation in Finland. There is approximately 650 local associations and 40 000 members all around Finland.


Formaat is the federation of youth clubs and other forms of open youth work in Flanders. Formaat unites and supports the members, volunteers and youth workers of more than 430 youth clubs and other open youth work organizations via training programs, information, legal advice, advocacy, networking events,  publications and research.

Most of Formaat's members are youth driven spaces: places where young people come together, organize activities, share interests and set up their own projects. Mostly youth clubs (around 350 of our members) are run exclusively by volunteers, where youngsters are responsible. Only 80 member organizations of Formaat are supported by professional youth workers (often funded by local municipalities and/or the Flemish government). They mostly operate in small teams (staff 1 to 5 persons).

In general youth clubs target youngsters from the age of 12 to 25 and their core functions are:

  •  To offer meeting opportunities to young people at a local level
  •  To stimulate social networks among young people
  •  To activate young people. Youth clubs enable youngsters to experiment, to take up initiative, organize activities and participate as a volunteer in the organization and the local community
  •  To educate young people both in non-formal (workshops and trainings) and informal (learning by doing) ways.

Formaat is mainly funded by the Flemish government. Formaat is an employer for approximately 60 professionals.

Project activities

Nuoria aikuisia ulkona kouluttautumassa kouluttajiksi.

Trainer trainings

Trainer trainings are implemented in both Finland and Belgium for young people who do not yet have the organization's trainer training. Once the training is completed, they can work as new trainers in instructor trainings. Later on during the project the trainers will have the possibility to learn from the trainers in the partner country through online meetings. Through these meetings the trainers will also have the possibility to share the content and activities of the different trainings.

25.-26.3.2023 Kouluttajakoulutus, Mikkeli, Finland
2.-7.4.2024 Trainer training, Lier, Belgium

Nuoret ulkona kesäpäivänä

Trainings for instructors

The newly trained trainers will organise instructor trainings both in Belgium and in Finland. The trainings are aimed to people over the age of 13 who are interested in instructing leisure activities. Also adults who want to strengthen their instructor skills can participate in the trainings.

The Finnish Youth Association's training for new instructors is called Knoppi and it will be organised regionally. Through the project we will organise 3 regional Knoppi trainings. 

Peer-to-peer instructor meetings online

In peer-to-peer instructor meetings both Finnish and Belgian instructors meet to exchange experiences about safe and high-quality activities that are interesting to children and young people. During the meetings, thoughts are broadened about the possibilities, safety, and appeal of free time activities, and the understanding of European children's and youth's leisure time and living environment is increased. 

Webinars for organisers of recreational activities

Youth clubs and local associations are in key role when getting trained hobby instuctors to use their skills in practice. Youth club volunteers and members of the boards are invited to join mutual online meetings and workshops in which they can share their experiences and to get good tips to start new groups or new activities with the newly trained instructors. The webinars will be held in English. 

Coming up

Past webinars

  • 18.10.2023 The role and image of youth work in society
  • 26.10.2023 Thinking outside the box
  • 28.11.2023 Inclusion in leisure time activities
  • 7.12.2023 Supporting young people's participation
  • 18.1.2024 Enthusiasm and inspiration
  • 20.3.2024 Good practices: Escape rooms
  • 16.4.2024 Cooperation and stakeholders